A Dangerous Game.

Following the success of You’ve Been Trumped, Anthony Baxter returns to documentary with his follow up. When billionaire, and self described “business extraordinaire”, Donald Trump began to make his dream of building the world’s greatest golf course come true it was the residents of a small area in Aberdeenshire who were made to suffer. Destroying natural preservations in order to construct his dream, Donald Trump did his best to silence the opposition. It was Baxter who brought Trump and his company to the limelight, highlighting and documenting evidence of them lying, bullying and abusing their power. Two years after the story hit cinemas, A Dangerous Game takes a look at what has happened since and addresses the larger issues of what these extravagant, and arguably unnecessary, golf courses really cause and the corruption that comes with it. Baxter demonstrates once again that he knows how to piece together a political and controversial documentary although this time it feels like he may have tried to cover a little too much ground. Baxter not only returns to meet the unlucky few whose homes and livelihoods have been threatened and reduced by Trump’s Scottish course, but he director also ventures to Dubrovnik to see how similar events are happening in other areas all over the globe. There is also footage of Baxter interviewing Trump and his employees who continue to make his life difficult and prevent this film from reaching completion.

The most harrowing part of the documentary is when we witness a 90 year old woman having to lug buckets of water from a well in order to survive. Molly Forbes uses this method to shower, flush the toilet, cook and wash her dishes after Trump’s golf course construction resulted in her water source being permanently damaged. After being reassured that it would be repaired and improved in a matter of weeks, Molly and her son Michael remain without a water source three years on. It is these atrocities and acts of either neglect or malice that make A Dangerous Man a crucial sequel. Baxter draws our attention to just how little has changed for the suffering home owners who continue to admirably fight for their homes and habitat. Anthony Baxter is a bold and brave film maker who is fighting for something that really resonates with viewers. A Dangerous Game occasionally drifts off but when it is focussed it’s right on the money. The most charming thing about A Dangerous Game is Baxter’s dedication to the cause and the community spirit that forms when human beings are forced to battle such injustices.

Thanks for reading and let’s all keep supporting our beloved film industry.

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