Tag: Reflection

  • Running Your Own Film Club.

    Being a film fanatic and living in Preston has always been a struggle. During my time at University I was spoilt for three years by The Hyde Park Picture House in Leeds and then by both Filmhouse and Cameo in Edinburgh for one year. When I moved back home to Preston a year ago, the…

  • Edinburgh: A Final Reflection.

    Two weeks ago I handed in my MSc Film Studies thesis. Before I knew it, everything was in boxes and my time in Edinburgh had come to an end. I’m now back home in Lancashire, with several full cardboard boxes still lingering in the corner of my bedroom. Unpacking these last few boxes will mean…

  • Edinburgh: February.

    My most recent month in the cobbled city has been incredibly busy. I currently find myself trudging home at 4am as Sunday mornings dawn and I finish another painful Saturday night bar shift. This is agonising at times but worth it to fund my studies; something I have written in these diary entries repeatedly and…

  • Edinburgh: November.

    My third month in Edinburgh has gone even faster than the first two. These last weeks before I return home for the Christmas period have been filled with essay related stress and occasional moments of self doubt. Luckily, I have been visited by several close friends who have encouraged me and helped to put things…

  • Graduation.

    Just a quick personal entry to update you on my current circumstances. Yesterday I graduated from the University of Leeds. I received a First Class Honours in BA Film Studies. I have had a splendid time at University and my passion for film has grown over the past three years and I am so proud…

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